True wireless earbuds: Noise Shots Groove

Danish Jainuddin Desai
2 min readDec 24, 2020


The idea of true wireless earbuds is incredibly impressive. The problem is that most people have no clue where to start when they are searching for the best solution for them. If you are someone who is looking for a good solution to this problem, then you might want to look at some of the products that are available in the market right now. One product in particular that is amazing is called Noise Shutter.

As you might know, most people prefer wired headphones over wireless ones because they are not going to affect the way that you listen to music. However, wired earbud headphones are also not very good at blocking out external noises. This is one of the main reasons why people who are using these headphones often end up getting a great deal of wear and tear on them every day. Wireless earbud headphones have recently been designed to block out these kinds of noises so that you can enjoy your music without having to worry about your headphones. The good thing about these headphones is that they do not need to be plugged into any kind of device in order to work. They work by simply going over your outer ear, and blocking out all of the noises that you are hearing above you.

The idea behind true wireless earbuds is quite simple. There are plenty of people who use music devices with no wires or cords all the time, and these are all the better for it. Wireless technology is still quite new, so some people might be a little hesitant to switch over to something like this. However, if you take the time to look around online at all of the different models that are available right now, you should be able to find a pair that works well for you.

